
“This is Ebba”

Written by Sarah A. Schroeder & Christopher Schroeder

Illustrated by Sarah A. Schroeder

Available on Amazon

"This is Ebba" tells the story of Ebba, a lonesome little sea turtle. She overcomes many obstacles and challenges until one day there's trouble that she can't get out of alone. After a compassionate stranger lends a helping hand, Ebba starts to understand the meaning of love and that friendship heals wounds. "This is Ebba" is a touching and beautifully-illustrated story about resilience, love, friendship, and healing. This book was written and illustrated by a married man and woman: Sarah wears many hats, including wife, mother, child-development specialist, child and family psychotherapist, writer and artist; Christopher is a husband, father, clinical researcher, mental-health advocate, and writer. Together, they capture the idea of social-emotional development and regulation beautifully through gentle imagery and a captivating and playful story line that children and parents are sure to enjoy time and time again.


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